

Plenary: Room L


9:00 - 9:10Welcome, Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber, House of Energy Markets and Finance
Key Notes
9:10 - 10:05Betting on policies? New energy business models and regulatory risk 
Dr. Bjarne Steffen,
Energy Politics Group, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
10:05 - 11:00Smart Energy Solutions - Key factors for success in a company perspective
Jean-Baptiste Cornefert
, Head of VPP & Flexibility Business Unit, E.ON Connecting Energies, Germany
11:00 - 11:30Coffee Break
Parallel         Session
Room LRoom NRoom M
11:30 - 13:00

Session 1:
Impacts on Business Development

Session 2:
Smart Handling of Renewable Impacts
Session 3:
ICT & Automation

Preparing Energy Providers’ Knowledge Base for Going Digital,

Fabian Reck,

Universität Bamberg

Smarter Planning –

Fusion of Target Grid Planning and Asset Management,

Prof. Christoph Engels,


Open and Secure: Amending the Security of the BSI Smart Metering Infrastructure to Smart Home Applications via the Smart Meter Gateway,

Christian Freudenmann,

Power Plus Communications AG (PPC)


Extending Energetic Potential of Data Centers to Participate in Smart Grid Networks,

Alexander Borgerding,

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,

Sven Rosinger, OFFIS-Institute for Information Technology

Curtailment of electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Germany and worldwide,

Hans Schermeyer,

Chair of Energy Economics, IIP and KIT, Karlsruhe

Towards semantic interoperability in the Internet of Things,

Prof. Maria Ganzha,

Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw


Opportunities of big data tools in smart energy systems,

Prof. Peter Birkner,

Bergische University Wuppertal

System Efficiency in Dairy Processing -Potentials and Technical Implementation of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Dr. Matthias Philipp,

Head of Energy Systems Technology at Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)

Testbed-Application of Energy Agents,

Nils Loose,

Chair of Data Management Systems and Knowledge Representation,

University Duisburg Essen
13:00 - 14:00Lunch
Key Note
14:00 - 15:00

Software is Eating The World - Open Source Collaboration as one possible remedy?

Ralph Müller, Managing Director Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH

15:00 - 15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00Session 4:
Business Concepts in Smart Environments

Session 5:
Smart Distribution Grids


Controllable Electricity Production via Biogas Plants in Electricity Grids with a high Share of Variable Renewable Energies,

Katharina Bär,

Institute of new Energy Systems (InES)

Agent system for power consumption scheduling in an intelligent neighborhood,

Prof. Marcin Paprzycki,

Systems Research Institute  Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw

Valorization of aggregated decentral flexibilities - Opportunities and challenges under the current German regulatory framework and market conditions,

Andreas Dietrich,

House of Energy Markets and Finance,

University Duisburg Essen

The distribution network of the future,

Sven Jundel,

innogy SE

Stochastic Bidding of Electric Vehicles at different Energy Markets,

Maren Kier,

House of Energy Markets and Finance,

University Duisburg Essen

The future role of the DSO and the resulting questions for IT and processes, Matthias Wessels,

E-Bridge Consulting

Important Dates

Submission Deadline for Abstracts
- 10.12.2017
Extended to
- 17.12.2017

First Author Notification
(for presentation)

- 17.12.2017

Program Schedule Notification
- 26.01.2018

Presentation Upload
- see E-world site

- 08.02.2018

Final Submission of Full Papers
- 28.02.2018

Author Notification
for acceptance of full paper

- 31.03.2018